Affordable housing

We provide thousands of people with good quality, well-managed and affordable homes in west and central London, where land values are high and affordable housing is in short supply.

We believe in the value of mixed communities and in giving people on low incomes the opportunity to stay living close to where they work or have long standing social ties. Affordable housing forms a vital part of this.

We manage more than 5,000 properties, including some of the first homes that our founder Octavia Hill acquired. To make sure that our homes are affordable to people on low incomes, we set our rents well below the government’s target levels and considerably lower than market rents.

As a not-for-profit organisation, we reinvest all surplus income back in to maintaining our property portfolio, building new affordable homes and developing our community work.


Further information

To find out more about our affordable housing, or if you are a resident, please visit the Octavia residents' website.